Eromanga Sensei
Ero Manga Sensei, Eromanga Sensei, Эроманга-сэнсей, إرومانغا سينسي, น้องสาวของผมคืออาจารย์เอโรมังกะ, 에로망가선생, エロマンガ先生, 埃罗芒阿老师, 情色漫画老师, 情色漫畫老師, 我的妹妹是埃罗芒阿老师, 我的妹妹是黄漫老师
Writing light novels isn’t all that easy, especially when you’re in high school&and you have to do the cooking and the chores for your shut-in stepsister who’s hardly come out of her room the past year! In the light novel business, it’s crucial to have the right person illustrating your books to help them sell–and maybe get made into manga and anime! But in a world of online pen names, the author and the illustrator may still not even know each other . . . until one day they realize they’ve been living in the same house all along! Now the home life of confident writer Masamune Izumi and his reclusive sister Sagiri–aka the artist ”Eromanga Sensei”–will be a drama to compare with their rising careers, their restive fan base, and their rivals in the industry!
Chapter 7927 days ago213
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Chapter 7427 days ago22
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Chapter 7127 days ago21
Chapter 7027 days ago19
Chapter 6927 days ago18
Chapter 6827 days ago20
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Chapter 6427 days ago19
Chapter 6327 days ago17
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Chapter 6027 days ago19